Last week I had the opportunity to meet with 2 graphic reporters of very well known German tourist magazine who were in Cyprus to make pictures and write about things you can do in Cyprus and especially things related to the richness of archaeology we have.
It was really disappointing to hear that their impression about our archaeology was really poor and really negative. I was not surprised since personally I know that the Department of Antiquities in Cyprus is run by people that have no vision, no ambition and defiantly not any intention to share knowledge and experiences with the visitor of any sites.
The 2 journalists told me that they have visited almost all the sites in Cyprus but in none of them they found anything to DO. Yes to do and not to see. They are used to visit sites in Spain, Italy and other EU countries where the visitor has the opportunity t DO something, to watch an audiovisual journey, to experience the way of life of our predecessors with the use of new technologies, museums where children could actually touch and feel the old world, workshops and so many other things to DO.
Those 2 experts on Archeological tourism found our sites boring, found our museums dull, found our historical content dead and they are very right. They are very right because the governmental department responsible for the archeology of Cyprus is dull, is boring and defiantly not useful.
It seems that the older references on this blog are still very valid....
hye nice blog :)..xchange links?