I must admit that my weakness is good food. I cannot resist to the invitation that promises new taste experiences. Last night I accompanied my sister and her husband to probably the best restaurant in Cyprus.
In my life I have had the luck to work with great chefs. I had the luck to taste new tastes that made me feel what we call a gastronomic orgasm. Last night I had a very well prepared beef carpaccio that combined the aromas of the Mediterranean herbs and the high quality of tender beef. The lemon marinated mushrooms with the combination of pesto and parmesano were honestly one of the simplest ways to impress my palate. I asked Marios (the owner) to take care of my main course and the only condition was that I wanted no meat, I was scared to spoil the carpaccio. The seafood paupiette on a bed of fine potatoes aromatised with lime and herbs was nothing else but an extraordinary surprise.
I will not write anything about the dessert. I will let you discover that area. If it happens to be Nicosia visit Domus Lounge Restaurant and Bar. Its just a few meters before the entrance of the Archbishops’ Palace, call Marios at 22433722 or before you land to Cyprus or arrive in Nicosia make sure you have send your reservation at reservations@domusloungebar.com
Enjoy your Dinner. (do not forget the dessert).